quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2009

Insomnia – letters...

My dear Angus,
I have been anxious to tell you about the latest events of my tedious life. However they are far from being something thrilling and have insistently annoyed me with their ceaseless presence.
I would like to overcome them or just put them behind but it seems to me this duty will not be so easy.
I have been deeply tormented with old memories which always let me down showing me
that they still can hurt me.
Since I started to think over what were my true desires, expectations and fears before life, I have found myself even more confused.
I need to know what is the right way to follow and what matters I must take into account.
Oh my friend, I really need a fair choice, something to bring me comfort, make me face my problems boldly and after all give me peace.
But would it be reachable or this wish is nothing more than a forbidden dream?
Can I aspirate happiness or this right belongs only to the blessed ones?
That's the point to be cleared up.
I know I've got to close my eyes to all those terrible moments.
I've got to get out of this grudge which consumes me day by day.
But how could I ignore something that pursues me each second of my existence?
How could I aim at a sparkling future whether the shadows of my past keep blinding me with an implacable persistence?
Answer me please!
Take me away from here, Angus!
Take me to anywhere!To any place where these thoughts cannot affect me no more and where I can find such a desired redemption.
written by Akma a friend of mine
Dear G. since we met I have never seen you so down. It doesn’t suit you well. Your blue eyes and red cheeks deserve a smile on your face but never tears. Your bad memories are not stronger than you. Where is that strong woman who used to fight for her rights and claim to see them put in practice? When we were just teenagers we used to have many dreams and believe in them until the last possible moment, but when things went wrong we used to hold each other and say that if the world explodes at least we would have each other. We were dreamers and it made us survive those difficult days. But now we have to face the truth and it is not as easy as to dream…I know this. But I also know that you can overcome these bad feelings and turn to be my sweet and happy G. again. What you are looking for is close to you, more than you can imagine. Open your eyes! Stop looking just inside you and look around you. You will notice that you have many people who care about you and want to help you. Keep in mind that you will always count on me…I will be your friend forever. Wherever you go I will be with you whether in person or in your memories. But I will never let you alone in the dark. I will be the star that will enlighten your way in darkness and lead you to heaven…yours Angus.
Angus' answer written by Sandy

if you could at least imagine every terrible moment I've gone through,
you'd never send me such a hopeful answer!
I know that those days were magic but they have gone!
It's been only a sweet past that is unable to bring me back
all those innocent expectations about life I used to have.
I can't just ignore the nightmare I've lived and
waste my time dreaming away like a child with no worries.
The problems don't disappear just because you're not willing to face them.
Maybe you won't figure out my words very well,
maybe they will make no sense to you
since you've belonged to a world totally different from mine.
You were given a choice, Angus!
You grew up having your family and friends around,
living each step of your life naturally.
But how about me?
Well, I didn't have the same luck.
And you always knew that.
Oh Christ!
Sorry if I made you feel upset saying it all
but I needed to pour my heart out
and you were the most reliable person whom I could trust in.
Thanks for your care!
Sincerely, Genevieve
written by Akma a friend of mine
My darling Genevieve,
life is not easy and you know this very well.
How can you talk about my life like this?You know I have been beside you all these years.
Your suffering is my suffering.
If I could do anything to change your life and prevent you from all these problems, you know I would do it. But it's impossible.
We can't change your past but you can work in present to make a better future.You can do it my sweetheart.
You are stronger than you think.
Oh Genevieve... If if you could look inside my heart...If you could imagine how I feel...My life has no meaning without your smile.I wanna see happiness shinning on your face again.Don't tell me that I don't want to face the problems cause the truth is in front of you and you don't see it.I am by your side since we were children.We grew up together.And you have never figured out how I love you.I am your friend and I will be with you forever but...Have you ever thought about me as a man?Have you ever cared about my feelings in relation to you?No .
Cause you were very busy feeling pity for yourself.
Life is not like this my love.
Yes, my love!That's what you represent to me .
Love of my life!I tried to hide my feelings expecting that one day you could look inside my eyes and realize that I love you since the first time I saw you.Do you remember?You were walking on the street without shoes , calling your mother cause you were lost and I took your hand and told you:." don't care!I am with you " It was the beginning of our story.Since then we have never separated.
So stop claiming about your life and start enjoying what life has given to you.My love for you.I hope you understand my words and reply me as soon as possible.
Kisses me my lovely Genevieve!
Written by Sandy

sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2008

New Year!

Another year has gone and I am still here...where will I be next year? I dont know. I wish I were a bird so as I could fly around the world and come back whenever I want. But it is just my imagination that never stops working...This year I had many happy moments and many difficult ones too. Life is not easy but who said that it should be? Life is to be lived with its good and bad moments. We always can take important lessons from them. My life has changed completely from the end of 2007 to the end of 2008. I almost dont believe in it! This year was full of surprises. I can say that I am very happy cause I did all I intended to do. Now Ii am making plans for next year. I hope it will be fantastic. I will make it fantastic cause I am the owner of my destiny. Let's make 2009 better than 2008!!

quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2008

Who are you?

You live in my mind even when I am sleeping...you are always by my side when I am in need...you never live me alone when I am in danger...you are my best friend and I 've never seen your face. Who are you? It doesn't matter cause you are here and it is more important than a name. I dont need to see you to know that you are always with me! You are the only thing that is right and perfect in my life cause you know me better than anyone. You know me better than I do. You are everything!!!! Thanks for being in my life even when I am not as I should be. And thanks for changing my life and turning me a better person! I love you!!! Just you!

Uma paixão...

Eu queria uma paixão assim: do tipo que nos deixa sem ar só de pensar no amado; do tipo que nos faz sofrer com a distância e morrer de felicidade só de ouvir a respiração do outro; do tipo que faz nosso coração bater acelerado só de saber que o amado existe e está por perto. Eu queria uma paixão assim, mas nem todos os sonhos se transformam em realidade...e por que isso deveria acontecer? Viver é muito melhor que sonhar! Então eu prefiro dizer: sou apaixonada pela vida!


The more I see you, the more I want you...the more I talk to you, the more I like you...the more I like you, the more I know you will never be mine cause you are just in my mind ...

sábado, 20 de dezembro de 2008


O que é felicidade?

Quem nunca se fez essa pergunta?

Quantas vezes nós reclamamos da vida e logo em seguida, nos arrependemos e até sentimos culpa por não estarmos felizes?

Outra questão pertubadora é: ser feliz ou estar feliz?

Será "a felicidade" uma condição permanente do indivíduo ou apenas um estado ou vários estados momentâneos?

Por que enquanto uns reclamam que a sorte nunca lhes sorriu, outros estão constantemente felizes? Mas será uma felicidade verdadeira, fruto de um sentimento profundo ou apenas uma maneira muito positiva de encarar a vida?

Eu sou feliz! Eu mesma já disse isso mil vezes, e acredito que era verdade. Mas porque uns são felizes ou estão felizes e outros não?

Os astrólogos, que tanto acreditam em destino, diriam que algumas pessoas estão destinadas a serem felizes e outras não.

Os religiosos defenderiam a tese de que Deus deseja a felicidade de todos nós. Mas porque uns são felizes e outros não?Minha pergunta continua sem resposta e acho que nunca será esclarecida. Mas prefiro acreditar que a felicidade dever ser conquistada. Nem todos merecem ser felizes, porque nem todos lutam por essa felicidade.

Acredito que ser feliz ou estar feliz, como queiram, é uma obrigação de todos nós.

É o mínimo que podemos fazer para retribuir o sol que ilumina os nossos dias, a lua que enfeita as nossas noites, ou mesmo a terra que pisamos todos os dias.

Não importa a sua crença, nem quem seja o autor de tudo isso. Acredite no que quiser, mas uma coisa é certa: quem criou tudo isso nos deu um grande presente e nós temos que agradecer pelo menos abrindo um sorriso para a vida todos os dias ao acordarmos, abraçando o nosso próximo, ajudando o nosso desafeto, que amanhã pode se tornar nosso amigo do peito.

A vida tem que ser celebrada. Se nós pensarmos assim, a felicidade será inevitável.

Todos esses questionamentos se tornarão obsoletos.Não importa o significado da palavra felicidade. O que realmente importa é "Ser Feliz" e fazer as pessoas a nossa volta felizes!

Faça dessa frase o lema da sua vida e seja feliz!